Wednesday 20 May 2015

Restaurant 'signs off' Mayor with new menu fayre

The Mayor of the City of Durham, Cllr John Robinson was invited to The Court Inn, in the City, to sample the new menu of local produce recently as one of his last official duties.

The Mayor with wife Maxine, was on one of his last engagements as his tenure finishes during May, who along with other invited guests sampled the new menu that has been put together with as much local produce as possible.
The Mayor said about his year in office:

"The year has flown by!  The people I have met and the projects I have seen across the whole of the County have been just amazing.  One reason I was happy to come and see Trevor and what he has put on his menu is that he is a champion of local produce, something I have always encouraged and supported."

Trevor Davis, who has run the Court Inn for just under two years now, was really happy to see John as guest of honour at the launch:

"The Mayor has been here before and was very encouraging when he found out that I was planning an 'all local' menu and promised me he would come down when it was complete.  And good to his word he was quick to reply when the invite went out."

He continued, " The new menu caters for a wide range of tastes and is sources as local as we possibly can."

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